There isn't a lot of information to be found about Ancient Japanese music. however, there is history of musicians, which proves their must have been music. As far as way back when, both poetry and music were very important. There is no specific destinction between the differences.
The above is a koto. A koto was a fairly large, stringed instrument. There are 13 strings, and you pluck the strings to make the music. The original koto only had 5 strings, was soon increased to 7, and has worked its way up to 13. IT was originally a Chinese instrument, and was introduced to Japan in the 7th century. The koto is made of Paulownia wood, well traditionally anyway. The bridges on it were ivory, they were often easily broken. The strings are typically silk or plastic. Silk sounds better, but isn't as stable.
The above is a Shakuhachi, it is a type of flute. Typically made from bamboo.The pitch is dependant on how covered the holes are. They blow into a piece called the "fipple", this blowing motion is like how you would blow into a beer bottle to make a cool noise. These fluts are rather pricy, maybe make one istead of buying one :P
In Ancient Japan, for awhile the playing of the shakuhachi was forbidden for years. When the goverment allowed it to be played again, it was more of an accompinayment. Eventually it was played solo again.The Shakuhachi was generally playe by men.
I used to play a flute in band... (: random fact
ReplyDeleteand i used to play the clarinet!